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T.I.E. is a wedding vendor marketplace that connects engaged couples with top wedding professionals. Simply search for vendors by category and location, browse profiles, and contact vendors directly to book their services.

Yes! Couples can browse vendor listings, view profiles, and contact vendors for free.

Use our search filters to narrow down vendors by location, category, price range, and reviews. Each vendor has a detailed profile showcasing their work, services, and client testimonials.

Click on a vendor’s profile and use the contact form to message them directly. Some vendors may also provide phone numbers and social media links for direct communication.

If you’re unsure where to start, reach out to our support team for personalized recommendations.

For Vendors

Visit our Vendor Sign-Up Page and choose a listing package. Once you create a profile, your business will be visible to couples searching for services like yours. After submitting the vendor sign-up form, you must complete your payment before your listing is published on the website.

Yes, we offer a free listing option and premium plans for increased visibility. Check our Vendor Pricing Page for details.

Premium listings receive priority placement, more profile customization options, access to SEO optimization, and additional marketing features to attract more couples.

Log into your vendor dashboard, where you can update your business details, upload new photos, and manage inquiries from couples.

Yes, you can cancel or downgrade your listing at any time through your vendor dashboard.

General Questions

No, we do not process payments for vendor services. All bookings and payments are handled directly between couples and vendors.

To leave a review, visit the vendor’s listing page and click the “Leave a Review” button. Once submitted, your review will be published on the vendor’s profile to help other couples find trusted professionals.

For any questions or assistance, email us at or fill out the contact form on our Contact Us Page.